15 Minutes in the Life of Sammy

Samantha Demogenes
3 min readSep 30, 2020

First things first, I’d like to explain why my dog and I have the same name. Two years ago my parents got a call from Boxer Rescue, asking if we would like to foster a two year old boxer named Sammy for five days. My mom had said, “you two have the same name! It’s a sign!” Little did we know we would fall in love with the little guy, and two years later he would still be with us, in his forever home.

Now that that’s out of the way, let me talk about my little Sammy. Well, little isn’t the best way to put it. He’s 65 pounds “of pure muscle,” as my dad likes to put it. Although Sammy doesn’t seem to think so, as he’ll crawl into your lap like he’s the size of a Chihuahua. He’s fur is fawn, with a little bit of white around his neck, almost like a necklace.

Today, I sat and really observed Sammy. I caught him right at his prime: 12:30 PM, lunch time. Sammy’s favorite thing in the whole world is eating. It trumps cuddles and playing fetch (although those do take a close second). I would be naive to think that it would take 15 minutes for Sammy to eat his lunch. It took more like 15 seconds. When Sammy eats, it’s like his bowl of food is the only thing in the world. His shoves his head all the way in the bowl, and eats a mile a minute. I don’t even know if he chews before swallowing.

After Sammy finishes his food in record time, it’s on to his next activity. Today it was fetch, or at least his variation of fetch. He understands the throwing part of the game, it’s the bringing it back that he needs a little work on. I threw the ball to him and he looked like Usain Bolt in dog form. He ran at lightning speed to catch the ball, then unsuccessfully tried to come to a stop, sliding on our tile floor like a slip and slide.

Sammy staring at the ball in my hand, waiting for me to throw it

Sammy has an odd technique when playing fetch. He’ll bring the ball back to be, and nudge me with it. When I try to grab it from him, he immediately jerks his head away. Today was a more successful day, and this process repeated only a couple times before gave in and let me have the ball.

This process repeated for about five minutes before Sammy decided after a big meal and some fetch, it was nap time. We have a part of our couch that is covered with a blanket. This is where he is supposed to sleep, as to not get fur on the couch. However, he plays by his own rules, and went to the exposed side of the couch. He curled up in a tight ball, and was out within minutes.

